Kyoraku’s fight against Starrk. Awkward and dangerous zanpakuto, won’t fight unless he has to and goes to some lengths to avoid a ‘serious’ fight. When pushed, he’s a fairly ruthless Combat Pragmatist who doesn’t let a silly notion like ‘honour’ get in the way of protecting his subordinates and friends. Funny Foreigner: The whole Russian crew. Gentle Giant: The Russian version of “Uncle Harry”. Hello Again, Officer: Walt keeps running into the same Russian officer.”Always I’m saying goodbye to you, and always I’m meeting you again.”. If you want a gander at actually starving people, visit Uganda (though visit discreetly being gay is a death penalty offense there. Not that you’re gay or anything), watch Schindler’s List, or visit a Beverly Hills Sorority house. Starving oneself is very “90210.”.
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