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“The store isn’t really set up in genres, but it’s highly curated. For some people, it doesn’t make sense seeing Negative Approach next to some classic Underground Resistance. In my timeline, it all makes sense.”.
The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) makes it unlawful for an employer to take adverse action against an employee because the employee is over 40 years old. The ADEA requires that employers make decisions based on an organization’s legitimate, business needs. Many states, including Massachusetts, have similar laws prohibiting age discrimination, some of which may impose additional restrictions..
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Ezekiel Goodband, orchard manager of Scott Farm in Dummerston, Vt., has devoted his life to these heirloom apples. He’s spent decades carefully grafting and tending historic varieties some of which date back hundreds of years. Sprightly, with twinkly eyes and a long gray brown beard tucked into a well worn sweater, Goodband shows off his acres, which boast 100 different apple varieties..
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Pick ripe or nearly ripe strawberries each week and remove dead leaves and other debris from the rows. Fruit growth may be stunted and diseased if the matted rows become too dense. Remove weeds carefully by hand only; cultivation may damage roots.
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Hard figures back up those well known stories. African Americans comprise almost 40 percent of youths arrested and 60 percent of youths prosecuted as adults, but the youth population age 11 to 18 is only about 16 percent black. They arenine times more likely to be sentenced as adults than their white peers, according to the NAACP.
With the New England and the Philadelphia Eagles set to face off in Super Bowl LII on Feb. 4, businesses and politicians in Boston and Philadelphia have set up a number of friendly wagers. While there’s none yet to report from Gov.
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