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For the most part, to me, studs give handbags an edgy look and feel. However, when I saw this Diane von Furstenberg Belle Studded Clutch I saw an entire different kind of inspiration. While there might be a bit of an edgy feel , that isn’t the underlying theme of the bag. In fact, the gentle copper metallic leather brings a soft, feminine touch to an otherwise rocker-chic clutch. Certainly, being a clutch, you don’t have a lot of leather to work with. Yet , every time I see this bag, the copper metallic leather shines past the gunmetal hardware and catches my eye. If you are a shoulder strap clutch kind of gal, then you’ll be happy to know that this is an option with this bag. The gathered leather is smooshy, touchable and fabulous. One more thing I can’t get passed is how much fun I would have carrying this clutch to so many different events. Whether it is with a somewhat casual outfit or more of a dressed up outfit, this clutch would be perfect. I want it! Buy through Bergdorf Goodman for $425. P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon,Neiman Marcus,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!

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